Day 21 June 12, 2023 (Manarola)

Day 21 June 12, 2023 (Manarola)

Today we caught the train to Monterosso al Mare and hiked to Levanto. It was an intense hike and we basically climbed over 1100 feet up before descending. It kicked my butt…..I have been keeping up with my steps/miles every day and today the flights registered as 133, which is over 2000 steps/stairs I climbed. John compared that to the Empire State Building, which is 1600, so there you go, I’m a beast, lol!!!!!

The town of Levanto is beautiful and there were not many people (tourists) there. We said if we ever came back to this region, we would stay in Levanto. We had a great lunch – their rendition of a tuna salad and a ham/soft cheese/rucola salad panini, and an Aperol spritz, of course 😊

After lunch, we caught the train back to Manarola, had a gelato (caffe and cherry) and came back and showered. We had dinner reservations at 7 p.m. for our last meal and it was great! We started with a meat/cheese plate, then the spaghetti al mare, and some yummy veggies. We were too full for dessert (what ?!?!?!) but did finish with a digestive (limonchino). We got back just in time to catch the last rays of the sun before it went down. We have had a great time here, but time to move on. Tomorrow, we head for Lucca!

Miles walked – 9.31 Ciao!

On our way to Levanto – only 2.25 hours to trek!!!!!
Starting the ascent, Monterrso in the background.
Y’all, my sweat was sweating and John wanted me to pose for a “hiking pose” – well, this is what he got, lol!
The little detour to Sant”Antonio Al Mesco – beautiful view and an old temple.
What a view!
Halfway there only 1 1/2 hours to go!
The cactus grows everywhere!
Interesting “tombstone” but have no idea the story behind it.
Looking down on Levanto
Walking through Levanto – this was just gorgeous!!!!!!!
The beaches in Levanto – some are private so you have to pay
Il Gigante – built in 1910 to decorate the seaward edge – he lost his arms, trident, and giant seashell he held aloft from allied bombing runs.
Look at the meats, yummy!!!!
Our last dinner in Manarola
Our last sunset…..
Ciao Cinque Terre, it’s been great!!!

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