Day 6 May 28, 2023 (Rome)

Day 6 May 28, 2023

Walked to the Borghese Gallery where we had a 2-hour tour of the gallery and the gardens. The gallery has a collection of world-class Baroque sculpture, including Bernini’s David and Apollo and Daphne (these sculptures were just amazing!!!) as well as many paintings by Caravaggio, Raphael, Titian, and Rubens. Two hours is all you get as they manage the amount of people in at one time well. I could have easily spent much more time looking at everything.

We were done by 11:30 and so strolled around the neighborhood for a while and then stopped to have a great lunch at a place called Mezzo. We shared some salmon and shrimp/veggies (needed a pasta break, lol!) before heading to another guided tour of the Catacombs of Priscilla. These catacombs, which were used for burials from the late 2nd century to the 4th century, are less commercialized and less crowded. We saw 250 years of tunneling that occurred from the second to the fifth centuries. You see carved burial niches and some beautiful frescoes, including what is considered the first depiction of Mary nursing the Baby Jesus and the earliest known painting. (Including a pic found on the web of what we saw). It is only a 30-minute tour, and no photography is allowed. Tomorrow, we have a bike tour of the Appian Way and will see other catacombs to compare to what we saw today.

We attempted, for the third time, to use one of the little scooters to zip around on, and apparently John and I are not too savvy with them. We think we know the issue, besides operator error, and will attempt again tomorrow.

We came back to refresh, have a glass of vino, then off to dinner at our favorite spot. Ended the night with a gelato, of course! Ciao!

Miles walked – 8.5

Front of the Borghese Gallery
Portrait of a Young Woman with Unicorn painted by Raphael, c. 1505-1506. The unicorn is a symbol of purity.
The Rape of Prosperpina. Large marble sculpture by Gian Lorezno Bernini, c. 1621-1622 when he was 23 years old! Depicts the abduction of Prosperina, who is seized and taken to the underworld by the god Pluto. The details on this are just amazing!!!!!
Apollo and Daphne, c.1622-1625 by Bernini.
The statue of David, c. 1623-1624 by Bernini. The biblical David, about to throw the stone that will bring down Goliath, which will allow David to behead him. Again, the details are incredible!
David with the head of Goliath, by Battistello, c. 1612
Pauline Bonaparte as Venus Victrix sculpture commissioned by her husband, Camillo Borghese, c. 1805 to 1808. Her and the mattress were made with marble, but the bottom part was made of wood.
Saint John the Baptist by Caravaggio c. 1610
Saint Jerome, by Caravaggio, c. 1605-1606. I remember studying about Caravaggio when taking an Intro to Art class in college. I always liked this one!
The Madonna and Child with St. Anne and the Serpent by Caravaggio, c. 1605-1606
Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius by Gian Lorenzo Bernini created in 1618-1619. The sculpture depicts a scene from the Aeneid, where Aeneas leads his family from burning Troy.
The wandering gatto!
When looking at the door, notice on the right side below the door handle, there is another cutout of a door that is smaller.
Superman had to help me with this gelato, lol!
Image found on the Internet of what we saw in the catacombs of Mary nursing baby Jesus.

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