Day 5 May 27, 2023 (Rome)

Day 5 Saturday, May 27, 2023

Today was a “do whatever” day. We left around 9:30 and headed towards the Trastevere Neighborhood. We wove in and out among many streets through the Jewish Ghetto and we saw the Fontana D. Tartarughe (Turtle Fountain). Leaving the Jewish Ghetto, we saw the Teatro Di Marcello (an unexpected find!) then crossed the Tiber River over the Ponte Palatino (Palatino Bridge). We walked all through the Trastevere Neighborhood and saw the Basilica of Santa Maria, which is an ornate church and one of the oldest and unique churches in Rome.

Lunch consisted of a prosciutto, rocket, mozzarella and grana flakes pizza. So basically, a ham/arugula/cheese pizza, lol! Sat next to a couple that were from Texas and have been to Rome numerous times, so we chatted with them for a while.

On our way back, we crossed the Ponte Cestio, had my second gelato, then crossed the Ponte Fabricio (this bridge was built in 62 B.C.!) It was restored in 1679 and then again in 2000. We made a grocery stop, then headed back to the room to wash clothes in our tiny washing machine. Had to string clothes up all over, but it worked. Cooked dinner in, which was prosciutto gnocchi, green beans, and shrimp. Went out for an after-dinner drink and a dolce (lava cake!) and some fruit. Tomorrow’s schedule is a visit to the Borghese Gallery.

Miles walked – 8.57! Ciao!

Temple of Hadrian
Turtle Fountain
The Porticus Octaviae.
The Temple of Apollo
Teatro of Marcello
The Pons Aemilius, today called Ponte Rotto, the oldest Roman stone bridge.
Tiber River
John and his new car!!!!
In the Basilica of Santa Maria
Our lunch!!!
The Fontana dell’Acqua Paola. Built in 1612 to mark the end of the Acqua Paola aqueduct and the first major fountain on the right bank of the Tiber River.
The Victor Emmanuel II National monument.
Trajan’s Column
Our washing machine, which was located outside on the balcony!!!!
This thing held more than you think and works better than mine!!!
Drying the old fashioned way 🙂
Prosciutto stuffed gnocchi with shrimp and sauteed green beans!
The Spanish Steps at night

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