Day 36 June 27, 2023 (Sorrento)

Day 36 June 27, 2023 (Sorrento)

Today we had a two-hour tour of Pompeii scheduled. We had a driver, Tony, pick us up from our BNB and drove us to the ticket office to meet our guide for the tour with about 10 others. The tour was interesting, but it was VERY crowded, VERY hot, and there was a young girl with an umbrella that kept bumping into me and everybody else which got to be quite annoying. We thought we’d want to stay longer than that, but nope, we were done. We did take a lot of pics, but I won’t bore you all too much with looking at a bunch of rocks. Being there makes a difference 😊 The excavated area of Pompeii now covers 150 acres! They are still excavating as just have a few dozen acres left to go.

Tony picked us up and we headed back to Sorrento. We asked him for recommendations for food and he gave us the name of his favorite pizza place, Pizzeria de Franco, so he dropped us off near there and we had a great mozzarella, ham, and mushroom pizza with Peroni. We headed to the store to pick up the last of our supplies and headed back to the BNB.

We spent about 30 minutes to cool off then went back out to have a happy hour glass of wine. Back to the room where we relaxed for a bit, took showers, then headed out for dinner at one of restaurants right on the water and had ricotta stuffed ravioli, grilled sea bass, and a salad. Back to the room for a limoncello and called it a day.

Sorry folks, I totally forgot the dinner pics. I think the heat today got to me as I felt drained all afternoon. Tomorrow, we head out early to Capri for our last day in Sorrento.

Miles walked – 4.65 Ciao!

Along the streets in Pompeii, you see the remains of many storefronts and the houses of the owners next door.
The holes in the wall are where wooden beams were placed to hold up the second floor. These were multi-story buildings, due to the eruption, the ceilings and floors were crushed and collapsed.
A Pompeii city street.
Stepping stones across the street. The streets would have had water or trash or both and the stones allowed you to step across the muck.
Notice the ruts in the street from the Roman carts.
A bread/bakery and this is oven. The round holes in the table looking part were for holding wine.
An original floor inside a rich persons home.
The entry foyer to a rich Pompeiian’s 3000 sq ft home!!!!!
A fresco in the market.
A cast of a mummified body.
Steps that went up to the second floor of a home/building.
A penis in the road pointing to the “red light” district.
Frescoes inside the brothel depicting sexual positions. Oh my…..
An original Roman lead pipe. Two thousand years ago, they didn’t know lead was bad for you, consequently the average age was 45.
Cubicles to put your things in before you entered the thermal bath.
Part of the thermal baths. Notice the sub-floor on the bottom left. Hot air circulated the floor to heat the room like a spa.
More thermal baths.
Lunch – Peroni and pizza!!!!
Night pictures of our little Marina Grande in Sorrento.
All the tourists in Marina Grande out for dinner. This was taken about 9 p.m.

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