Day 33 June 24, 2023 (Sorrento)

Day 33 June 24, 2023 (Sorrento)

We both slept good last night so we got up, had breakfast and headed out the door about 10 a.m. There was not really a plan except to check out the local art museum (Museo Correale), so off we went. On the way, we stopped at the Church of Santi Felice e Baccolo (built in early 1100’s) and the Basilica of St. Anthony (11th century). The Basilica does not look like much from the outside, but the inside is beautiful. We continued on the museum and it have three floors and a garden that you can walk through. Most of the artwork had information in Italian so we just took some random pics. They did have some neat furniture, porcelain, clocks, and a great view from a terrace on the second floor. It was a nice escape from all the traffic, people, tour groups, etc. After a while, it gets to be too much, and you feel you just need a break from it all 😊

After we were done at the museum, we headed back to the central part of town, which by now had gotten very busy with people. We basically went from one end of town to the other and found a little place to grab a bite for lunch. It was not crowded and had shady spots, so we were happy. We had our first beer since we left the states, and it was great! We ordered a Hawaiian pizza (yes, they had it on the menu!) and just chilled. There was a kitten hanging around and he decided he wanted to join us for lunch, lol! One of the employees finally got out a can of food so he’d quit trying to go after ours.

We grabbed a gelato after lunch, and John wanted to walk back towards the port to see if we could go ahead and get our tickets for the ferry tomorrow. We are going to Ischia, a volcanic island in the Gulf of Naples. From what we’ve read, it seems to be less crowded with tourists and it’s something different to do. We were able to pick up our tickets, so we stopped for a snack – caprese salad and shrimp cocktail.

It was after 4 p.m. by now and so we headed back to the BNB. On our way back, we took our time looking around and then jumped into one of the groceries and picked up a couple of things. We chilled in the room for a bit and headed out about 8:15 for a bite to eat. We found a place right by us and had a grilled sea bass and seafood gnocchi while watching the sunset. We ended with a slice of lemon cake sprinkled with slivered almonds. (I forgot pics, but you can only look at so many food pics, right?!) We are looking forward to our trip tomorrow!

Miles walked – 6.30 Ciao!

Carolina on our minds…….
Inside the Church of Saints Felice and Baccolo
The organ and gorgeous windows in the Church of Saints Felice and Baccolo.
Religious offerings thanking the saint for healthy babies, good employment, surviving heart attacks and lung problems, and lots of strong legs. This is only one of many of these cases showing the offerings. This was in the Basilica of St. Anthony.
Paintings of storms with Anthony coming to the rescue.
One of the stained glass windows, it reminding us of lemons.
The outside of St. Anthony, what is boring here is made up for on the inside.
Outside the museum.
The white portion you see on the piece of furniture is porcelain inlay – gorgeous!
A painting called Game of Evens and Odds an Italian game of chance, similar to roulette.
Love all the little cubbyholes
View from the 2nd floor terrace overlooking the sea.
Though they weren’t keeping the correct time, they were working and you could hear them ticking as you walked by.
I so wanted to touch this and look in everything!
A landscape of Marina Grande way long ago.
John and I have determined that the folks way back when had some anger issues, lol!
Lemon grove on the museum property.
View from the end of the garden path – breathtaking!
Our first beer in over a month, it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Peroni on tap.
Crust was perfect for our Hawaiian pizza
Our little buddy wanted to help us eat
A sea of Vespas, etc.
Afternoon snacks!
Was not expecting a creamy concoction to go with the shrimp and it had shredded salad underneath……
On our way back to the BNB……

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