Day 8 May 30, 2023
Today we decided to leave the city and head to the little town of Tivoli. It is about 20 miles away, but about an hour by the Metro. We went to the Parco Villa Gregoriana, located at the feet of the city’s acropolis, and was commissioned by Pope Gregory XVI in 1832 to rebuild the bed of the Aniene River. A double tunnel was dug into Mount Catillo so the water, channeled in the bottleneck, increased its level, and fell in the artificial 120 meters waterfall known as Cascata Grande, which is the second highest waterfall in Italy. After World War II, the park became the property of the state in 2002. At that time, the site was in an advanced state of abandonment and hydro-geological instability, and it was brought back to life in 2005 by the FAI (a non-profit foundation that protects and enhances Italy’s historical, artistic and landscape heritage). The park has luxuriant greenery, and you can walk through the old trails to discover 74 tree species found in the park and explore interesting relics of past eras. There are remains of the Villa of the Roman Consul Manlius Vopiscus and the Roman temples on the acropolis, which include the Temple of Vesta. The park was beautiful, and the scenery was amazing! Lots of great pics!
After touring the park, we had a bite to eat (see pics) then headed to the Villa d’Este palace and gardens. The weather decided to take a turn for the worst, so we popped in and had a cafe and gelato to wait out the storm. The villa is famous all over the world for its splendid fountains and for being a beautiful example of the Italian Renaissance garden in Europe. Unfortunately, the fountains were not working, so we were unable to see those, and the rain decided to return so we did not tour the gardens. We were able to tour the inside of the Palazzo d’Este, the residential palace. Here we saw incredible frescoes that covered two floors.
We headed back to Rome, grabbed a wonderful dinner for our last night, then back to the BNB. Rome has been great, but we are ready for the next leg of the journey, Venice!!!! Ciao!
Miles walked – 7