Day 29 June 20, 2023 (Montepulciano)

Day 29 June 20, 2023 (Montepulciano)

Today was an easy day, we walked all over, went into different little shops, and then had a glass of wine in one of the little wine shops before we had lunch. Here, the restaurants don’t start serving lunch until at least noon, so we had to fill the time with something, so why not wine? 😊

Lunch was a salad, ravioli of the day (burrata cheese) and a codfish and potato puree concoction with truffle chips (OMG!) Let’s just say, delicious!!!!! We had desert and a café (double chocolate sphere of cake with pistachio and orange sauce), again, yummers!

Back to the room for a bit so I could work on the blog and then back out for our wine tasting at De’Ricci. We toured their cellar, and our guide was excellent. Parts of the cellars date back to 500 B.C.!!!!! We got history on the De ’Ricci’s (who have since died out, but the owners kept the name out of respect) and background on the present owner. We ended in their tasting room where we tasted six different wines and had some nibbles. It was about 6:30 when we finished so we found a place to eat dinner and enjoy the rest of the evening. I had chicken with balsamic and John had steak and we shared some roasted veggies. We skipped desert and came home and had a piece of chocolate and a limonchino (me) and a grappa (John).

We have not decided what we will do for our last day tomorrow; it will be a surprise, lol!

Miles walked – 4.67 Ciao!

Views from around the town
Notice the ceiling and the stairs leaving our second floor room!!!
First floor stairs in our 1300 year old BNB building!!!!
The main streets are called Via, the little sides streets like this, are called Vicolo.
Notice the handles, they are hands!!!!
A pre lunch glass of wine at a great little wine shop we found. The owner was quite chatty and gave us a few little samples of other wines.
Lunch time! Burrata stuffed ravioli
Codfish and potato puree with truffle chips
Much needed salad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chocolate heaven with orange puree and pistachios
The doors to the inside of the building where our BNB is – funny how there is a real estate office right next store……..
And old capped off well
Down in the De’Ricci cellars for our tour
The rock at the top, is part of the original mountain, which is now part of the wall.
An old well and a local artist gifted the bronze dog
The De’Ricci family tree
One white, which was a sparkling (yummy) and five reds, all were good!
Dinner after the wine tasting – my balsamic chicken
John’s steak and no, that is not blood, it’s a wine sauce 🙂
Grilled eggplant and zucchini
Look what I found!!!!
I think he was telling me good night as we were heading back to our room 🙂

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