Day 27 June 18, 2023 (Florence)

Day 27 June 18, 2023 (Florence)

After a great night’s sleep for me, we headed out about 9:15 a.m. and headed to the Galileo Museum. We spent over two hours in there and while this was more John’s thing than mine, I did find a lot of it interesting! Afterwards, we found a little place to grab a bite to eat (salads for both of us!).

We shopped for a bit then headed to the Basilica of Santa Croce, which was built at the end of the 1200’s and known as the “Temple of Italian Glories” as Michelangelo, Galileo, Machiavelli, and Rossini are buried. They have some beautiful stained-glass windows as well as paintings and frescoes. We headed back to the room to for a break (I was able to get a blog posted) and then off to our favorite place (Bacco Matto) for a glass of wine and a nibble (crostini with codfish, caramelized onions, and sundried tomatoes and then pappardelle with wild boar ragu).

Back to the room again to freshen up and then back out for dinner at L’Osteria. Our plan was to have the Florentine steak, but it only comes in 1200 grams, which is the equivalent of over 2 ½ lbs. and we knew that was more than we could eat. We ended up ordering the braised beef with mashed potatoes and sauteed spinach, which was wonderful. We skipped dessert, came back to the room, and had some chocolate (which we bought at the market) and a limoncello.

We head to Montepulciano tomorrow for the next adventure!

Miles walked – 4.71 (we did 3 trips up our stairs to the room, which is 87 steps up and down each time, thought I was done with steps, lol!)

Armillary sphere – huge!!!! About 10 feet in diameter
Two telescopes actually used by Galileo
A view of the Arno River on our way to the church.
This was a spur of the moment decision to go inside the church and my knees were showing, so they gave me a paper gown and I wrapped it around me, very flattering isn’t it?
One of the many frescoes inside the church
The high altar surrounded by frescoes illustrating the Legend of the True Cross – 1380-1390
Giotto’s Stories of St. Francis 1317-1325. He’s the one that did the Bell Tower.
A bust and remains of Umiliana de’ Cerchi – a member of the Third Order of Saint Francis.
Disposition from the Cross – 1548 by Francesco Salviati
Christ’s Descent Into Limbo by Bronzino 1552
Look at the size of these doors!!!!
Monument to Niccolini by Piofedi may have been the source for the Statue of Liberty.
Monumental tomb of Michelango
Outside the chapel
At our favorite place!
Crostini with codfish, sun-dried tomatoes and caramelized onions
Pappardelle with wild boar ragu
They had the cleanest bathroom and you could hose yourself down if you needed too, lol!!!! They didn’t have a bidet so they opted for this.
This was in their bathroom and you pour the wine, add the sticks and wooden top and it makes the room smell amazing. The shop is across the street from the restaurant so we popped over there and bought one!
Dinner – braised beef with potatoes and sauteed spinach.

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