Day 25 – June 12, 2024 – Henderson, NV

Day 25 – June 12, 2024 – Henderson, NV

This morning, we got up and headed to Peg’s Glorified Ham & Eggs for a different breakfast choice. We both got a Belgian waffle (I had mine topped with strawberries; John had blueberries) eggs and bacon. It wasn’t as good as what we make at home, but it was a nice change. We came back to the BNB and just hung out for most of the morning.

Since we had such a big breakfast, we ended up eating lunch late and decided to try the little Mexican place, Sonrisa Grill, right here on the premises. We both got a sangria, a white for me and a red for John, and both had two tacos (beef for me, chicken for John) which came with rice and beans. Forgot the pic as we were starving, lol! We came back to the BNB, hung out for a little bit, then headed out.

John got us tickets for the Mob Museum and the Neon Museum. We knew we would end up getting hungry, so he found a place called Carson Kitchen, that does tapas. We ordered three – killer shrimp, young beets chopped, and watermelon feta. All were very good, but it was more than I could eat after eating so much at lunch. We then headed to the Mob Museum which included a distillery tour and tasting. Some very cool stuff in this museum, which features artifacts, stories, and the history of organized crime in the US, all covering three floors. The building the museum is housed in is the old post office and federal courthouse. Downstairs they have a distillery that makes moonshine. We had a young lady give us some history of moonshine making and then we were given four small samples of the liquor they make there. They also have a speakeasy where you can order drinks, but we had reservations for the Neon Museum, so we skipped that.

The Neon Museum is down on Las Vegas Blvd, and it has signs from old casinos and motels, as well as other businesses. The “boneyard” holds 250 signs and exhibits 24 electrified signs. We went just as the sun was starting to set so it was neat seeing these old signs lit up.

Next, we decided to check out Fremont Street Experience, a six-block stretch of road that is pedestrian-only and lined with retro/revived casinos, open-air bars, live bands, cheap food, street performers, and a gigantic zip line that runs down the middle. It also has the worlds largest video screen that is up above your head. We only planned on staying for about an hour, but we ended up staying a lot longer! We had a great time people watching and listening to music.

Tomorrow there is not much planned as we will be getting things ready to head out Friday morning to fly home. I’m getting excited!

They were yummy, but John was missing his molasses…..yuck!
Our sangria’s at lunch – no food pic, but it was good!
At Carson Kitchen – we sat at the bar and it’s an open kitchen so we got to watch them prepare the food.
The beet salad was so good!
The shrimp had a kick to it and the watermelon feta salad was a great way to cool the heat!
Down in the Mob Museum’s distillery area.
Steamed heat?????
This was from Treasure Island, which I have stayed at before many moons ago (Lisa).
The screen above is amazing as it changes colors/shapes, etc. all of the time. The cables you see running across the top are for the zip line.
This guy was balanced on his head on a bottle of some type of liquor. He had at least 10 levels of glasses and board stacked on top of each other.
LOL! His glasses flashed “I’m Sexy”!!!!!
Every hour the top would play a 10 minute montage of a certain bands hits.
We went into a couple of the casinos to use the restroom, so had to get at least one shot of the machines as neither of us gamble 🙂
Interesting, very interesting!
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