Day 23 June 14, 2023 (Lucca)

Day 23 June 14, 2023 (Lucca)

After a decent night’s sleep and sleeping in a little, I worked on the blog to get caught up over the last two days. We basically had brunch (eggs/sausage/yogurt/fruit) and then headed out to explore. We bought Rick Steves’ book on Italy and have torn pages out for each city we have come to, so we did the Lucca walking “tour” he suggested. We went inside one of the churches he mentions, Basilica of St. Frediano, which was built in 1112. The church is famous for its large mosaic on its façade that dates to the 13th century. We also went inside the church of St. Michele, it was free to go in so we looked around. It had a 12th century crucifix above the altar and a painting of the four saints by Filippino Lippi, who was a student of Sandro Botticelli (who is famous for the The Birth of Venus painting).

Then we got caught in a major downpour. Once that let up, we trudged back home and had to change clothes so decided to hang out a bit until the rain cleared up. Well, the rain decided to hang out most of the day, so we stayed inside until it was time to head for dinner. John got caught up on work (yes, he’s still working, I’m the retired one 😉) and I piddled around and read.

We made dinner reservations at the place we ate lunch at yesterday. They opened at 7 p.m. and we were there with our faces smashed again the window, lol! We have yet to have lasagna since our arrival in Italy, and we ordered it tonight along with a green salad. The lasagna was delicious!!!!! We ended with a panna cotta with fruit sauce and a limoncello. We plan to get a full day in of walking and site seeing as it is supposed to be a gorgeous, sunny day!

Miles walked – 2.87 (boo, dumb rain!) Ciao!

The huge door of our bnb.
A pano of the Piazza dell’ Anfiteatro. It is a ring of buildings – shops, galleries, and restaurants built on top of the site that once had a Roman amphitheater. The modern street level here is 9 feet above the original amphitheater floor.
This is the outside walls of the buildings of the amphitheater piazza. Note the various building materials from Roman times to medieval times.
One of the four entrance arches to the amphitheater piazza
The Church of San Frediano built in 1112. The facade is pure marble with a mosaic that depicts Christ and his 12 apostles.
Inside San Frediano
At the top, a 12th century baptismal bowl showing the story of Moses. And at bottom a fresco of Virgin Mary with St. Richard and St. Zita (13th century)
One of the nine chapels
Looking up at the ceiling of the church
St. Zita Chapel. Inside the glass is the almost 800 year old body of St. Zita.
In the Trenta Chapel a 15th century masterpiece of Virgin and Child with Saints by Jacopo Quercia. The box under is a 2nd century sarcophagus containing the remains of St. Richard – an English King who died here on his pilgrimage to Rome in 722.
Frescoes in the Chapel of the Cross
16th century painting of the genealogic tree of the canonical order of the Laterans.
12th century crucifix in St. Michele
The Four Saints
One of the many towers we saw.
Guess who’s coming to play in Lucca, lol!
St. Michele, the saint at the top and at one time had working wings.
Notice the different columns
More concerts in case you’re interested!
Stuck in the rain
Our yummy lasagna!
Have to have some greens…..
Panna cotta with fruit sauce

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