Day 18 – July 7, 2024 – London, England
Had another lovely breakfast in the RAF Club dining room and then were off to meet up with Catherine and Scott. John brought a coat this time, which was needed as it was pouring when we got off the tube. We met up at Covent Garden Market and then walked around for a while. The rain decided to come in full force, so we jumped into a pub for a drink while waiting for the rain to stop.
The rain finally let up and we continued walking around to find a good place for lunch. We came across a place called Flat Iron, which had wonderful steaks that were served on a slate, and you also were given what was basically a mini meat cleaver to cut your steak with. The food was excellent as well as the ambience of the place. (Forgot pics….)
After lunch, we walked around a bit more then it was time for us to head to Wembley Stadium for our concert. We had a wonderful time with Catherine and Scott and were so glad we got to spend a day and a half with them. We will see them again in March 2025 when we get together for another cruise in the Caribbean.
We planned our route out on the tube and headed to Wembley. It is quite a walk from the tube station to the stadium, so it was nice to know that for when it was time to leave. We ended up waiting in line for about an hour as they didn’t open the gates until after 4 p.m. (If we had known that earlier, we wouldn’t have come so early). It was still a good experience, and they got you in quickly once the gates opened. We walked around inside to check out everything and decided to grab a quick bite to eat as we knew we’d be hungry later.
We each got a drink and then found our seats, which had a good view of the stage as well as the “mosh pit” of people right up in front. We had a partial covering that just covered most of us which was good as is typical London fashion, it decided to rain again. It didn’t last long and then the sun came out and it was perfect! The opening band came out, The Pretty Reckless, which we both had never heard of. The lead singer had a very high-pitched voice, so it basically sounded like screeching to us, lol! I asked one of the security agents if they had ear plugs as I was worried about John’s good ear. I eventually found another pair and wore them for the rest of the concert. John and I were very impressed with Wembley Stadium, and it was overwhelming to see how the crowds poured in throughout the opening act. The place was packed, and the energy was like nothing I have ever felt before. AC/DC were fantastic, even though the lead singer, Brian Johnson, his voice is not like it used to be. Can’t complain as he’s about to turn 77 in October! And let’s talk about Angus Young, who is 69 years old and still jumps around like he’s in his 20’s! It was a spectacular concert and I’m so glad we were able to see them!
They played for well over an hour and the encore was amazing! We left the stadium as they were finishing up and joined the hordes of people heading out. We had the long walk back to the tube and once we got to the entrance, we had to wait for about 10 minutes as they were monitoring how many people could get on at one time. It was like a well-oiled machine! Once one, we had 10 stops before we got off and at each stop a few more people got off. When we were about halfway there, it changed, and more people were getting on. We couldn’t figure out where they were coming from and found out as we exited off on our stop that there had been a Shania Twain concert at Hyde Park so the concert traffic was coming in both directions. At one point, we were stuffed in there like sardines. Not a great feeling. Was definitely ready for a shower to wash the stadium and the tube off, lol! It was a late night, and we are excited about heading home tomorrow.
What a wonderful time in London and we can’t wait to come back! Nite all😊