We arrived in London at 6:30 am London time (5 hours ahead of us). Had a 3 hour lay over and grabbed some breakfast. Flight to Rome was at 10:30 and we landed at 2:30 Rome time (6 hours ahead of us). We took the Leonardo Express from the airport to the Roma Termini and then caught the Metro to Barberini, where we walked 1/4 mile to our Air BNB. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/plus/317380?source_impression_id=p3_1685079753_akEcH%2FsczuuFR%2BpA Link provided to show where we are staying as our pictures would not do it justice. We have a small grocery next door where we picked up essentials and then went strolling. Went by the Trevi Fountain and it was packed (about 7:15 pm) and then searched for food. Found a small restaurant (Spaghetteria L’Archetto) with outside seating and ordered our first aperitivo spritz. Ordered the Prosciutto e funghi pizza (which we forgot to take a pic of and then devoured) and then L’Archetto spaghetti, which consisted of amatriciana sauce/tuna/mushroom/pecorino cheese. Sounds weird, but was awesome! The desert recommended was the tarta de chocolate (chocolate cake (4 types), but VERY yummy! We also ordered a 1/2 litre of the house red, which was only 8 Euro!!!!! Can’t beat good, cheap wine! Came back to the BNB and basically passed out, lol! The plan tomorrow is to just walk around and familiarize ourselves with the area.