Day 1 May 23, 2023 (Rome)

We arrived in London at 6:30 am London time (5 hours ahead of us). Had a 3 hour lay over and grabbed some breakfast. Flight to Rome was at 10:30 and we landed at 2:30 Rome time (6 hours ahead of us). We took the Leonardo Express from the airport to the Roma Termini and then caught the Metro to Barberini, where we walked 1/4 mile to our Air BNB. Link provided to show where we are staying as our pictures would not do it justice. We have a small grocery next door where we picked up essentials and then went strolling. Went by the Trevi Fountain and it was packed (about 7:15 pm) and then searched for food. Found a small restaurant (Spaghetteria L’Archetto) with outside seating and ordered our first aperitivo spritz. Ordered the Prosciutto e funghi pizza (which we forgot to take a pic of and then devoured) and then L’Archetto spaghetti, which consisted of amatriciana sauce/tuna/mushroom/pecorino cheese. Sounds weird, but was awesome! The desert recommended was the tarta de chocolate (chocolate cake (4 types), but VERY yummy! We also ordered a 1/2 litre of the house red, which was only 8 Euro!!!!! Can’t beat good, cheap wine! Came back to the BNB and basically passed out, lol! The plan tomorrow is to just walk around and familiarize ourselves with the area.

The Trevi Fountain at 7:15 pm.
The almost finished Aperol spritz and our pitcher of house wine!
The Trevi Fountain at night with the moon peaking at us!

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